Slate Portal for Radford University

    Music Auditions 2024-2025

    All students wishing to major or minor in Music, including Music Business, Music Composition, Music Performance, Music Therapy, and Music Education, are required to audition. Radford University's Music Department offers four in-person audition dates:
    • Saturday, December 14, 2024 (Early Scholarship Audition Date)
    • Saturday, February 15, 2025 (Early Scholarship Audition Date)
    • Saturday, March 1, 2025
    • Saturday, April 5, 2025
    Alternately, you may choose to audition virtually by uploading an UNEDITED video audition to YouTube and sending the link to

    All students seeking an audition (in-person or virtual) should complete the form below. Please feel free to contact with any questions regarding the application process.

    Please note: Application to Radford University is a separate process that may be completed before, after or concurrent to the audition process. All audition decisions are contingent on admission to the university. Learn more about admission deadlines and requirements at